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Found 420 results
P. Blondel, Bathymetry and its Applications. InTech, Rijeka, Croatia, p. 158, 2011.
I. F. Aymerich, Piera, J., and Danobeitia, J., Cable planning for the European multidisciplinary seafloor observatory, Sea Tech.Sea Tech.Sea Technology, vol. 52, 2011.
D. C. Mosher, Cautionary considerations for geohazard mapping with multibeam sonar: resolution and the need for the third and fourth dimensions, Mar. Geophys. Res.Mar. Geophys. Res.Mar. Geophys. Res., vol. 32, pp. 25-35, 2011.
D. Sims, Center for Coastal and Ocean Mapping/Joint Hydrographic Center, Sea Tech.Sea Tech.Sea Technology, vol. 52, pp. 47-50, 2011.
X. Zhang, Dong, W., Sihai, L., Jiancheng, L., and Chi, T., China digital ocean prototype system, Int. J. Digital EarthInt. J. Digital EarthInt. J. Digital Earth, vol. 4, pp. 211-222, 2011.
S. R. Schill, Knowles, J. E., Rowlands, G., Margles, S., Agostini, V., and Blyther, R., Coastal benthic habitat mapping to support marine resource planning and management in St. Kitts and Nevis, Geog. CompassGeog. CompassGeog. Compass, vol. 5, pp. 898-917, 2011.
D. J. (ed.) Wright, Dwyer, E. (ed.), and Cummins, V. (ed.), Coastal Informatics: Web Atlas Design and Implementation. Hershey, PA: IGI-Global, 2011, p. 350.
R. S. Schick, Halpin, P. N., Read, A. J., Urban, D. L., Best, B. D., Good, C. P., Roberts, J. J., LaBrecque, E. A., Dunn, C., Garrison, L. P., Hyrenbach, K. D., McLellan, W. A., Pabst, D. A., Palka, D. L., and P., S., Community structure in pelagic marine mammals at large spatial scales, Mar. Ecol. Prog. Ser.Mar. Ecol. Prog. Ser.Mar. Ecol. Prog. Ser., vol. 434, pp. 165-181, 2011.
M. G. Gleason, Newkirk, S., Merrifield, M. S., Howard, J., Cox, R., Webb, M., Koepcke, J., Stranko, B., Taylor, B., Becker, M. W., Fuller, R. G., Dye, P., D. Schaaf, V., and Carter, J., A Conservation Assessment of West Coast (USA) Estuaries, The Nature Conservancy, Arlington, VA, 2011.
J. V. Gardner and Armstrong, A. A., From seafloor mapping to geological processes: New insights in marine geomorphic features unsing high-resoultion acoustic imaging techniques, Eos, Trans. AGUEOS, Trans. AGUEos, Transaction of the American Geophysical Union, vol. 92, Fall Meet. Suppl., 2011.
M. Jakobbson, Anderson, J. B., Nitsche, F. O., Dowdeswell, J. A., Gyllencreutz, R., Kirchner, N., Mohammad, R., O'Regan, M., Alley, R. B., Anandakrishnan, S., Eriksson, B., Kirshner, A., Fernandez, R., Stolldorf, T., Minzoni, R., and Majewski, W., Geological record of ice shelf break-up and grounding line retreat, Pine Island Bay, West Antarctica, GeologyGeologyGeology, vol. doi: 10.1130/G32153.1, 2011.
P. T. Harris and Whiteway, T., Global distribution of large submarine canyons: Geomorphic differences between active and passive continental margins, Mar. Geol.Mar. Geol.Mar. Geol., vol. 285, pp. 69-86, 2011.
A. V. Newman, Hidden depths, NatureNatureNature, vol. 474, pp. 441-443, 2011.
J. B. Coleman, Yao, X., Jordan, T. R., and Madden, M., Holes in the ocean: Filling voids in bathymetric lidar data, Comp. & Geosci.Comp. & Geosci.Comp. & Geosci., vol. 37, pp. 474-484, 2011.
D. Wright, Dwyer, E., Haddad, T., O’Dea, E., Hart, D., LaVoi, T., Nyerges, T., Berman, M., and Helly, J., Introducing the International Coastal Atlas Network, in Coastal GeoTools, Myrtle Beach, SC, 2011.
K. Taylor, Wright, D., Dwyer, E., Haddad, T., O’Dea, E., Hart, D., and LaVoi, T., Introducing the International Coastal Atlas Network, in American Fisheries Society 141st Annual Meeting, Advances in Coastal Atlases, Habitat Mapping, and Habitat Assessment Science to Support Fisheries and Ecosystem Decisions, Seattle, WA, USA, 2011.
F. J. Guitierrez, Rogue, D., and Navarro, G., Ocean data manager handles large, diverse data sets, Sea Tech.Sea Tech.Sea Technology, vol. 52, pp. 25-26, 28-30, 2011.
E. K. O’Dea, Dwyer, E., Cummins, V., and Wright, D. J., Potentials and limitations of coastal web atlases, Journal of Coastal Conservation: Planning and Management, vol. 15, pp. 1-21, 2011.
L. Burke, Reytar, K., Spalding, M., and Perry, A., Reefs at Risk Revisited. Washington, DC: World Resources Institute, 2011, p. 114.
