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Benthic habitat mapping using high-resolution image mosaicking

TitleBenthic habitat mapping using high-resolution image mosaicking
Publication TypeJournal Article
Year of Publication2012
AuthorsBagheri, H, Lecours, V
JournalSea Technol.Sea Technol.Sea Technology
Pagination15, 17-18, 20
Date PublishedOctober 2012
Keywordsbenthic habitat, Rodolphe Devillers, image classification, GeoHab, ROV, workflow, GIS and oceanography

Solving the Problem of Counting Species Multiple Times
By Using a New Image Mosaicking Algorithm

Benthic ecosystems of most continental
shelves, slopes and seamounts are altered
by the use of bottom-contact fshing
gears and other human activities, such as
hydrocarbon drilling and seabed mining.
Such activities can impact the structure and
function of benthic habitats directly and indirectly.
For example, physical disturbances of
the seabed can produce changes in local
water fow and sedimentation patterns,
which are important for suspension feeders
like cold-water corals and sponges. Partial
or complete destruction of benthic
habitats can reduce the number of
species, their abundance, richness
and diversity.
In recent decades, efforts have
been made to study these remote environments.
Mapping seafoor habitats
based on species’ environmental
preferences is often the frst step
when implementing scientifc management,
monitoring environmental
change and assessing the impacts of
disturbance on benthic habitats.
The GeoHab (Marine Geological
and Biological Habitat Mapping)
international symposium defnes benthic
habitat mapping as representing
physically distinct areas of the seafoor
that are associated with a particular
assemblage of species.

Alternate JournalSea Technology