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Giant sand waves at the mouth of San Francisco Bay

TitleGiant sand waves at the mouth of San Francisco Bay
Publication TypeJournal Article
Year of Publication2006
AuthorsBarnard, PL, Hanes, DM, Rubin, DM, Kvitek, RG
JournalEOS, Trans. AGUEOS, Trans. AGUEOS Trans. AGU
Pagination285, 289
Keywordsseafloor mapping, multibeam bathymetry

A field of giant sand waves, among the largest in the world, recently was mapped in high resolution for the first time during a multibeam survey through the strait of the Golden Gate at the mouth of San Francisco Bay, in California. The giant sand waves are fascinating geomorphic features that also have practical implications for a number of societal issues.

Short TitleEOS, Transactions of the American Geophysical Union
Alternate JournalEos, Transactions of the American Geophysical Union