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Merged GLORIA sidescan and Hydrosweep psuedo-sidescan: Processing and creation of digital mosaics

TitleMerged GLORIA sidescan and Hydrosweep psuedo-sidescan: Processing and creation of digital mosaics
Publication TypeJournal Article
Year of Publication1996
AuthorsBird, RT, Searle, RC, Paskevich, V, Twichell, DC
JournalMar. Geophys. Res.Mar. Geophys. Res.Mar. Geophys. Res.
Keywordsspecial issue, advances in seafloor mapping using sidescan sonar and multibeam bathymetry data
Short TitleMarine Geophysical ResearchMarine Geophysical Researches
Alternate JournalMarine Geophysical Researches