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Seafloor habitat mapping on the Oregon continental margin: A spatially nested GIS approach to mapping scale, mapping methods, and accuracy quantification

TitleSeafloor habitat mapping on the Oregon continental margin: A spatially nested GIS approach to mapping scale, mapping methods, and accuracy quantification
Publication TypeJournal Article
Year of Publication2007
AuthorsLanier, A, Romsos, C, Goldfinger, C
JournalMar. Geod.Mar. Geod.Mar. Geod.
KeywordsGIS and oceanography, mapping scale, seafloor, geologic habitat, interpretation, classification, GIS, remote sensing, accuracy assessment, BTM (Benthic Terrain Modeler), BPI (bathymetric position index), TPI, terrain modeling, teaching, GEO 580

We implement a geographic information system (GIS) to map surficial geologic habitats
(SGH) with varying scales at Nehalem Bank, Oregon, USA. Geologic interpretation
was first used to produce a regional-scale SGH map of mega habitats. Local-scale
algorithmic classification techniques were then implemented where data density and
richness permitted the mapping of meso (10 m-1 km) macro scale (1–10 m) habitat
features. We use a ranked-(data) density approach to assess the distribution and quality
of input data for the regional SGH map. We then apply a virtual reference dataset and
error matrix technique to assess the thematic accuracy of local-scale maps.

Short TitleMarine GeodesyMarine Geodesy
Alternate JournalMarine Geodesy